Monday, July 2, 2007

<i>Trapped in the Closet</i>

In 2005, the television show South Park provoked controversy with "Trapped in the Closet", an episode that satirized Scientology and the long-standing rumors regarding Cruise being a closeted homosexual. In the episode, Cruise becomes depressed and locks himself in a closet, after Stan Marsh (one of the main child characters in the series) tells Cruise (who has been told that Stan is the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard) that he considers Jon Heder to be a better actor than Cruise. As Cruise hides in the closet, depressed at the thought that L. Ron Hubbard doesn't like his work as an actor, several characters make numerous "come out of the closet" jokes. The show also has Nicole Kidman (Cruise's ex-wife) attempt to get Tom to "come out of the closet", telling him that Katie Holmes won't think any less of him and that she doesn't think any worse of him either. Meanwhile John Travolta (also the subject of rumors regarding possible homosexuality) and R. Kelly (who had just recorded a series of music videos called "Trapped in the Closet", regarding a man hiding in the closet of a woman he had a one-night stand with) also join Cruise in the closet, to hide after Cruise tells the two how comfortable a hiding spot Stan's closet is.


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